What’s new in 2.1


Entity Management

Derived attributes

Datanect now allows you to create derived attributes.
Derived attributes are be defined in the entity repository’s
specific query language. For now only RDBMS repositories are
supported. You can specify them e.g. in SQL.

Derived attributes in user-defined references

Derived attributes can also be used as source or target
attributes in user-defined entity references. This extends your
options when connecting data.

Datanect perspective

Type search for entity classes

You can open the type search dialog for entity classes
find and open entity classes more quickly. The selected entity
class will be opened in the tablebrowser.


Full quallified entity class name

The tablebrowser shows you the full qualified entity class
as the tab’s tool tip now.


User-defined attributes

User-defined attributes can be created through the
tablebrowser’s context menu

Comma-separated values for integer filters

The tablebrowser’s attribute filters allow comma-separated
list for integer types.

Full quallified entity class name

The tablebrowser shows you the full qualified entity class
as the tab’s tool tip now.

Invert selection

You can now invert the actual selection in the
tablebrowser through the context menu.

Sort columns

You can now sort the tablebrowser’s column. The sort will
only be applied to the tablebrowser’s actual content. It will
not be applied to the remote repository. E.g. by using an order
by SQL. This feature is planned for a later release.

Bug fixes
  • [DATANECT-221] – Selection takes a long time for large
    entity sets.

Bug fixes
  • [DATANECT-200] – CHAR based entity attributes are cut to 1 char

Entity Repository Explorer

User-defined markers

The Entity Repository Explorer shows an user-defined marker on entity
classes that either contains user-defined references or derived

Manage derived attributes

You can now add or remove derived attributes through the
Entity Repository Explorer’s context menu.

Manage user-defined references

You can also add or remove user-defined references through
the Entity Repository Explorer’s context menu.

Other resources

The Entity Repository Explorer now shows all other
resources that you create under the Datanect project. This gives
you a more flexible way to work with Datanect projcts.

Bug fixes
  • [DATANECT-201] – Support for LUW DB


Bug fixes
  • [DATANECT-217] – Cyclic dependencies should be ignored
    if they are not contained in the export entity set.

What’s new in 2.0

Datanect 2.0 is a nearly complete new implementation based on Eclipse RCP. The goal is to provide a more stable application, more familiar user interface and better IDE integration in the future.


Datanect is now based upon the eclipse rich client platform. The old databrowser is integrated through a separate frame and a read-only view now.

Entity Repository Explorer

The entity repository explorer provides you access to all entity repositories and contained entities

Dynamic POJO Mapping generation

You can generate a hibernate dynamic pojo mapping from every RDBMS based entity repository now. This very helpful for rapid prototyp creation.

The context menu of the tablebrowser provides you all available commands.


A new tablebrowser was added that is now used to browse the data.

The context menu of the tablebrowser provides you all available commands.


The outline gives you a structured overview over the opened tablebrowsers.



A treebrowser was added that allows you to support an entity related browsing. It is also very useful when you want to browse hierachical structures. Such as references to entities in the same table. E.g. child – parent relationships.


The export is completely re-implemented and now supports consistent export data sets. it shows you inconsistent entities and provides you actions to add required entities or remove inconsistent ones.


Open in default editor
When an export is finished it will ask you if the exported file should be opened in the default editor.
This editor can be changed using Preferences -> General -> Editors -> File Associations.


What’s new in 1.3.1


License management

You can now directly open the license management dialog from a notification window. This will help you to install a new license more quickly.

What’s new in 1.3.0


Proxy settings

Support for network proxies was added in 1.3.0. The proxy settings will be used by nearly any component within datanect. The only exception is the driver browser, because it will be configured usind the maven settings file. So if you have network problems, e.g. when you want to activate your license, you should check the proxy settings first and try again.


Entity repository manager

Driver browser settings

You can now change the maven settings xml path that the driver browser uses.


Quick search support

You can now search the entity repository manager using the quick search support, either by pressing CTRL-F or just start typing. Navigate through the search hits using the arrow up and down keys or tab.


Entity browser desktop

Metadata browsing

You can now browse the metadata of an entity repository as well. This will give you a better overview of how your data is connected. It’s a useful feature even if you use another tool, e.g. an SQL based database tool, because you will need the metadata information to create e.g. SQL queries.


Self associations

The entity explorer does now allows self associations. This is an important feature when you need to browse data that is hierarchical connected.

Filters allow whitespaces

You can add more than one value to an entity filter by separating the values with spaces now. This will work for all number types like short, integer, double, BigDecimal, etc.

Bug fixes

Entity browser

  • DATANECT-169: InternalFrame’s resize cursor not shown on mouse over
  • DATANECT-167: Subsequent entity browser’s titles are misleadingly named [ROOT]


What’s new in 1.2.0

Entity repository manager

More well known drivers added to driver browser

JDTS driver added to the driver browser.

Entity browser desktop

Inter-repository browsing

You can now create instant associations between different data sources. This feature is helpful in distributed environments, e.g. in a microservice architecture. But it is also helpful when you want to connect data between different development stages, e.g. local developer database -> functional test database or integration database. See Help -> Help Contents -> Inter-Repository Browsing for details.

Association tool tips

Associations will show you a tool tips when you put the mouse cursor over them.

Bug fixes

Entity repository manager

  • DATANECT-121: UI freezes when using H2 database.
  • DATANECT-149: NPE in repository navigator on right click when no entity repository exists or is selected

Entity browser

  • DATANECT-124: NullPointerException when no primary key is available but CLOB column
  • DATANECT-125: JDBCType -155 is not a valid Types.java value
  • DATANECT-131: Unquoted column names in SQL Statement: BadSqlGrammarException
  • DATANECT-148: BusyIndicator holds focus
  • DATANECT-162: EntityBrowser load timeout


What’s new in 1.0.1

Entity repository manager

Configuration problem markers

The entity repositories will show an error marker if configuration values required to establish an entity session are missing.

Driver browser

A driver browser is added to the entity repository configuration dialog to easily find your driver.

Entity browser desktop

Tabs per entity repository session

For each entity repository session a new tab will be created. Thus you can browse different entity repositories in parallel. 

Entity browser

Autofit column widths and browser width

The entity browser’s content tables  can now be adjusted to fit it’s content by just one click. Use the autofit button at the upper left corner.

The entity browser window’s width can also be adjusted to fit the content by holding the CTRL key while pressing the autofit button.


Less & greater than filters

Entity attributes can now be filtered using

  • less than
  • less-than or equal to
  • greater than
  • greater-than or equal to

View area rectanle for the entity selection outline

For a better orientation the entity selection outline does now paint a view area rectangle to make the position of the actual view visible.

Total entity count

The entity browser’s status bar now shows the total number of entities in the repository.


What’s new in 1.0.0

Entity repository manager

Add / edit / delete entity repositories

The entity repository view’s toolbar contains 3 buttons to manage entity repositories: 

Copy entity repositories

Entity repositories can be copied by editing an existing repository and change it’s name.

Drivers from maven repositories

Datanect can download JDBC drivers automatically from any maven repository. Just use the special mvn:// protocol. E.g. to use a MySQL driver you can set the driver URL to mvn:///mysql/mysql-connector-java/6.0.6. The format is mvn://[groupId]/[artifactId]/[version]. It uses your personal maven settings located in USER_HOME/.m2/settings.xml. Thus you can configure remote repositories, mirrors, proxy servers, etc. as usualy. Take a look at the Maven Settings Reference.

Entity browser

Tree layout

Entity browsers can be tree layouted by their join dependencies using the tree layout button  in the toolbar. 

Flow layout

Entity browsers can be flow layouted by their join dependencies using a flow layout button   in the toolbar. The flow layout brings them in a sequential order. 

Refresh of entity browsers

All open entity browsers can be refreshed at once using the refresh button  in the toolbar.

Export selected entities

Entities that are selected can be exported via the context menu. 

Export selected entity classes

Datanect can export the entity’s metadata as an SQL-DDL script.

Export formats

Datanect supports export into Excel, XML, XML flat and SQL (insert script). When using SQL export you can also specify the export SQL-dialect. Take a look at DBUnit’s xml and xml flat dataset format description for details on xml export.

Aggregate view

An aggregate view can be activated for each entity browser: View -> Aggregate View.  The aggregate view shows the aggregation of the actual selection.

Entity selection outline

The entity selection outline helps you to get a quick overview of how many entity are selected in an entity browser. When you put the mouse over the entity selection outline it shows you the id of the entity at that position. You can scroll to any entity by double-clicking onto the entity selection outline. 

License Manager

Improved License View

The license view shows you detailed information about the license’s state now without the need to open the license details. 

Update Notifications

Automatic update notifications enable/disable

Automatic update notification can now be disabled in the notification window by de-selecting the “Automatic update check” checkbox. Automatic update checks can be enabled again in the same window: Help -> Check for updates